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اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْني بِتَرْكِ المَعاصي أبَداً ما أبْقَيْتَني، وارْحَمْنِي أنْ أتَكَلَّفَ ما لا يَعْنيني، وارْزُقْنِي حُسْنَ النَّظَرِ فيما يُرْضيكَ عَنِّي
Aruzz (Rice)
أَرُزُّ: فيه حديثان باطلان موضوعان على رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؛ أحدهما: أنه "لو كان رجلاً، لكان حليماً"، الثانى: "كُلُّ شىء أخرجتْه الأرضُ ففيه داءٌ وشفاءٌ إلا الأَرُزَّ: فإنه شفاءٌ لا داءَ فيه" ذكرناهما تنبيهاً وتحذيراً من نسبتهما إليه صلى الله عليه وسلم. وبعد.. فهو حار يابس، وهو أغْذَى الحُبوبِ بعد الحِنْطَة، وأحمدُها خلطاً، يَشدّ البطن شدّاً يسيراً، ويُقَوِّى المَعِدَة، ويَدبغُها، ويمكثُ فيها. وأطباءُ الهند تزعم أنه أحمدُ الأغذية وأنفعُها إذا طُبِخَ بألبان البقر، وله تأثيرٌ فى خِصب البدن، وزيادةِ المَنِىّ، وكثرةِ التغذية، وتصفيةِ اللون
Ibn al Qayyim wrote for Rice: There are two false and fabricated Ahadith attributed to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, one says, "If it were a man, it would be gentle," and the other says, "Everything that comes from the earth contains disease and cure, except for rice: it is a cure without disease." We mention these to warn and caution against attributing them to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.
As for rice itself, it is considered hot and dry. Among the grains, it is more nourishing after wheat and is praised when mixed with other foods. It mildly strengthens the stomach, fortifies it, and stays in it for a while. Indian physicians claim that it is one of the best and most beneficial foods when cooked with cow's milk. They believe it promotes bodily well-being, increases reproductive fluids (semen), enhances nourishment, and improves skin complexion.
All the benefits of rice explained above are only for the brown rice.
Dawood Antaaki wrote: In India, rice is known as a well-known plant, resembling barley, which requires plenty of water until it is harvested. The best quality rice is white, followed by yellow, and the worst is black. Rice grown in Rome is considered better than Egyptian rice, and Indian rice is regarded as the finest. Rice grown around Damascus is considered of lower quality. In terms of its properties, it is generally cold in the first stage (fresh) and dry in the second stage (when it’s stored and aged). It is commonly said to dry out the body, improve digestion, soothe bloating, relieve pain (like colic and cramps), and reduce thirst, nausea, and diarrhea. Rice is also believed to strengthen the body, promote sleep, and improve digestion. The Indian variety is particularly considered to lengthen life when consumed in moderation. However, over-consumption of rice—especially the red rice variety—can cause colic and should be avoided in excess, particularly when eaten with vinegar, which may lead to digestive issues. Rice is believed to enhance the complexion and improve the body when consumed with certain combinations, such as yogurt or sugar. Its water (after cooking rice) can be used to clean gemstones effectively, and rice flour combined with fat can treat swelling.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote: Rice, as described by various classical scholars and physicians, is a significant food and medicinal item with multiple benefits and properties. Rice is a type of grain used for making bread. It grows in marshy and moist areas. It is considered a low-nutrient food that helps in binding the stomach. Rice has binding properties, making it effective in controlling diarrhea and moderating the bowels. He notes that rice is harder to digest than other grains, like barley, and is less nutritious.
Ibn Masawayh: Rice is hot and dry (in the second degree, at the end of it). The heat of rice is evident in its sweet taste, and it provides good nourishment. When consumed, it can warm the body. Rice is considered a more nutritious food compared to corn, barley, and sorghum. When cooked in milk (cow’s milk) and combined with sweet almond oil and sugar, it moderates its drying nature, providing balanced nutrition. Soaking rice in bran water or buttermilk for a day or two before cooking reduces its dryness, resulting in a milder, more nourishing dish.
Masarawayh (from "The Compendium"): Rice, when cooked in a balanced manner, can be suitable in both hot and cold climates, although it is notably drying. Its decoction is beneficial for intestinal ulcers and colic, both for drinking or rectal suppository. Red rice is noted to be more binding than white rice due to its greater dryness.
Sandechar: A scholar from "The Compendium" mentions that rice can increase semen, while reducing urine, gas, and flatulence. This makes it a valuable food for those looking to increase vitality. In India, rice is considered one of the best foods. It is believed to nourish well and increase life expectancy when consumed with cow’s milk. Those who subsist primarily on rice are thought to live longer, without showing significant changes in their body or health.
Masiḥ (Physician): Masiḥ suggests that rice, when cooked with goat's milk, produces a more balanced and nutritious meal. However, cooking it with cow's or sheep's milk makes it more dense and long-lasting in the stomach.
Razi (On Preventing the Harm of Foods): Razi states that rice has a slightly warming effect but is predominantly drying. When combined with sumac, it helps bind the stomach, and when mixed with grape molasses, it soothes heat and quenches thirst. When cooked with milk and consumed with sugar, rice nourishes the body, increasing vitality and enhancing semen production.
Ishaq ibn Sulayman: Rice is beneficial for moist wounds and helps cleanse the skin from impurities, especially when used in a wash or bath.
Experimental Observations: When rice flour is made into a thin porridge and cooked thoroughly with goat kidney fat, it has significant therapeutic effects. It is especially effective in treating overuse of purgatives (laxatives) and alleviating irritation caused by abrasions. Rice is also known to be a fattening food, promoting weight gain. Rice is known to calm the stomach and treat issues like intestinal ulcers and colic. It is a good source of nutrition, especially when cooked with milk, sweet almond oil, or sugar. In traditional Indian medicine, it is believed that rice, when consumed as a staple food, promotes longevity and health. Its ability to bind the stomach makes it useful for treating diarrhea or excessive bowel movements. Cooking rice with milk (especially cow's milk) improves its nutritional value and moderates its drying effect. It can be further enhanced by adding almond oil and sugar. For those needing to bind the stomach or control diarrhea, cooking rice with sumac can be very effective. With Grape Molasses, rice soothen the heat and are helpful in quenching thirst.
Brown rice cooked with Quince
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