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اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ أوْسَعَ رِزْقِكَ علىَّ عِندَ كِبَرِ سِنِّي، وانقِطَاعِ عُمْري
ADAS / Lentils
عَدَسٌ: قد ورد فيه أحاديثُ كُلُّهَا باطلة على رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، لم يَقُلْ شيئاً منها، كحديث: ( إنه قُدِّس على لسانِ سبعين نبياً) وحديث: ( إنه يرق القلب، ويُغْزِرُ الدَّمعة، وإنه مأكول الصالحين)، وأرفع شىء جاء فيه وأصحه، أنه شهوةُ اليهود التي قدَّموها على المنِّ والسلوَى، وَهُو قَرِينُ الثوم والبصل في الذكر.
وطبعه طبعُ المؤنث، بارد يابس، وفيه قوتان متضادَّتان. إحداهما: يَعقِلُ الطبيعة. والأخرى: يُطلقها، وقشره حار يابس في الثالثة، حِرِّيف مُطْلِق للبطن، وترِياقُه في قشره، ولهذا كان صِحاحهُ أنفعَ من مطحونه، وأخفَّ على المَعِدَة، وأقلَّ ضرراً، فإنَّ لُبَّه بطىءُ الهضم لبرودته ويُبوسته، وهو مولِّد للسَّوداء، ويَضُرُّ بالماليخوليا ضرراً بيِّناً، ويَضُرُّ بالأعصاب والبصر. وهو غليظُ الدم، وينبغى أن يتجنبه أصحابُ السوداء، وإكثارهم منه يُولِّد لهم أدواء رديئة: كالوسواس، والجذام، وحُمَّى الربِّع، ويُقلل ضرره السلقُ، والإسفاناخ، وإكثار الدُّهن، وأردأ ما أُكِلَ بالنمكسود، وليُتجنب خلط الحلاوة به، فإنه يُورث سُدداً كبديَّة، وإدمانه يُظلم البصر لشدة تجفيفه، ويُعَسِّر البَوْل، ويُوجِبُ الأورام الباردة، والرياحَ الغليظة. وأجودُه: الأبيضُ السمينُ، السريع النُّضج. وأما ما يظنُّه الجُهَّالُ أنه كان سِماطَ الخليل الذي يُقدِّمه لأضيافه، فَكَذِبٌ مفترَى، وإنما حكى اللهُ عنه الضيافَة بالشِّوَاء، وهو العِجل الحَنِيذ. وذكر البيهقى عن إسحاق قال: سُئل ابنُ المبارك عن الحديث الذي جاء في العَدَس، أنه قُدِّسَ على لسان سبعين نبيّاً، فقال: ولا على لسان نبى واحد، وإنَّه لمؤذ منفخ، مَن حدثكم به ؟ قالوا: سَلم بن سالم، فقال: عمَّن ؟ قالوا: عنك. قال: وعنى أيضاً،،؟
Ibn al-Qayyim wrote : **Lentils:** There are several Ahadith regarding lentils, all of which are fabricated and not attributed to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. These include claims such as "It was sanctified by the tongues of seventy prophets" and "it softens the heart and increases tears, and it is the food of the righteous." The most credible claim about lentils is that they were favored by the Jews, who preferred them over Mann and Salwa, and they are mentioned alongside garlic and onions.
Lentils are classified as having a cold and dry nature. They possess two opposing qualities: one that constricts the body's natural functions and another that releases them. The skin of lentils is hot and dry, and it is a strong laxative. Whole lentils (with skin) are more beneficial than washed ones (without skin), as they are easier on the stomach and less harmful. The inner part of lentils is slow to digest due to its cold and dry properties and tends to generate black bile. They can cause notable harm to those with Melancholia and can negatively affect the nerves and eyesight.
Lentils are dense and should be avoided by those with black bile, as excessive consumption can lead to various ailments such as obsession, leprosy, and quartan fever. Cooking them with spinach, increasing oil, or combining them with other ingredients can reduce their harmful effects. It is advised to avoid mixing lentils with sweet foods, as this can lead to liver blockages. Prolonged consumption can darken the eyesight, make urination difficult, and cause cold tumors and heavy winds. The best lentils are the white and plump ones that cook quickly.
As for the misconception that lentils were the dish served by Ibrahim Alai as-Salaam to his guests, this is a false claim. In fact, Allah mentioned hospitality in relation to roasted calf, referring to it as "the grilled calf." Al-Bayhaqi narrated that Ishaq reported that when Ibn al-Mubarak was asked about the Hadith regarding lentils being sanctified by seventy prophets, he replied that it was not even mentioned by one Prophet, and considered it a false claim.
Most of the world today is eating peeled / washed lentils, but the benefit of legumes is hidden in their skin. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote وترِياقُه في قشره
Instead of Chana Daal, black chickpeas will be much better, similarly, all other Daals like Mung, Masur, Mash, etc. are available with skin & they should be chosen. Ibn Al Qayyam also mentioned that cooking lentils with beet root & spinach will reduce the harmful effects.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote : Lentils are bloat-inducing and have a mixed astringent and cleansing power. They may cause unpleasant dreams. The skin has a strong astringent effect and, in general, lentils cause significant bloating, thicken the blood, and may restrict blood flow in the veins. They also reduce urination and menstruation, leading to the production of melancholy humors and potentially melancholic diseases. Barley gruel may counteract this, as it combines with lentils to form a very good and highly nutritious food. Barley gruel should be used in a smaller quantity than lentils. Lentils with chard also make a good diet, as they balance each other and are moderate. Barley may also be added.
The worst are blackened lentils, which should be cooked in seven parts water for every one part lentils until well-cooked.
Tumors: When cooked with vinegar and used as a poultice, lentils help dissolve goiters and hardened tumors. They are effective in drawing out pus from swollen abscesses and, if consumed in excess, may lead to cancer and hardened tumors.
Wounds and Ulcers: When cooked with vinegar, lentils help fill deep ulcers and cleanse infected wounds by reducing their filth. If the wounds are large, a more astringent agent, such as pomegranate peel, may be used, or seawater for treating gangrene, erysipelas, cold-induced cracks, and insect bites.
Joints: Lentils are not good for the nerves, but if mixed with flour and applied as a poultice on gout, it can be beneficial.
Eyes: Excessive consumption can impair vision due to its strong drying properties. When used as a poultice with lavender, quince, and rose oil, it can treat hot eye inflammations.
Chest: Cooked in seawater, lentils can be used as a poultice on breast inflammations caused by blood and milk congestion.
Digestion: Lentils are hard to digest, bad for the stomach, and cause bloating. Lentils should not be mixed with sweet foods, as this can cause serious blockages in the liver. Lentils are also said to help with dropsy, likely due to their drying effect. If cooked without their skin, lentils can cause constipation. With their skin, they have a loosening effect. When lentils are cooked without their skin, they help firm the stomach. However, when cooked with their skin and the water is drained, the first water (the one in which the lentils are initially boiled) softens the stomach. The skin of the lentil has a strong astringent property, so cooking lentils with their skin (and discarding the first water) results in a stronger binding effect on the stomach. To enhance this effect, lentils can be cooked with dandelion, plantain, fennel, and black chard. If cooked with these tightening agents, or if combined with rose or other astringents, they become more effective in firming the stomach. However, if not properly cooked, lentils may cause diarrhea instead.
Excretory systems: A poultice of lentils with basil, quince, and rose oil is helpful for treating hemorrhoids, especially if severe, by using more astringent substances. Wild lentils (bitter lentils) are good for promoting blood circulation but should be avoided by people with urinary issues, as they thicken the blood and reduce urine and menstruation. When wild lentils are used with vinegar, they may help against urine retention, as well as relieving bloating and cramps.
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