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اللَّهُمَّ أحْسِنْ عَاقِبَتَنَا في الأمُورِ كُلِّها، وأَجِرْنَا مِن خِزْيِ الدُّنْيا وعَذَابِ الآخِرَةِ
Sha’hm (Fat)
شَحْمٌ: ثبت فى "المسند" عن أنس"أنَّ يهودياً أضاف رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقدَّم له خُبزَ شَعِيرِ، وإهالَةً سَنِخَةً"، و"الإهالة": الشَّحْم المذاب، والألْية. و"السَّنِخَةُ": المتغيرة. وثبت فى "الصحيح": عن عبد الله بن مُغَفَّل، قال:"دُلِّى جِرَابٌ من شَحْمٍ يَوْمَ خَيْبَرَ، فالتزمتُه وقلتُ: واللهِ لا أُعطى أحداً منه شيئاً، فالتفتُّ، فإذا رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَضْحَكُ، ولم يقل شيئاً". أجود الشحمِ ما كان مِن حيوان مكتمل، وهو حارٌ رطب، وهو أقلُّ رطوبةً من السمن، ولهذا لو أُذيب الشحمُ والسمن كان الشَحمُ أسرعَ جموداً. وهو ينفع من خشونة الحلق، ويُرخى ويعفن، ويُدفع ضرره باللَّيْمون المملُوح، والزنجبيل، وشحمُ المَعز أقبضُ الشحوم، وشحم التُّيوس أشدُّ تحليلاً، وينفع مِن قروح الأمعاء، وشحمُ العَنز أقوى فى ذلك، ويُحتقَن به للسَّحَج والزَّحِير
Ibn al-Qayyim wrote : It is established in "Al-Musnad" from Anas that a Jew hosted the Messenger of Allah; Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and presented him with barley bread and melted fat. It is also established in "Sahih" from Abdullah ibn Mughaffal, who said: "A pouch of fat was dropped on the day of Khaybar, and I embraced it, saying, 'By Allah, I will not give anyone a portion of it.' I turned and saw Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم laughing, but he did not say anything."
The best type of fat comes from a well-matured animal. It is hot and moist, though it is less moist than ghee, that is why when both are melted, fat solidifies more quickly. It is beneficial for roughness in the throat. Its harmful effects can be countered with salted lemon or ginger. Female Goat fat is constipating, while male goat fat is more readily absorbed and helps with intestinal ulcers. Goat fat is stronger in this regard and can be used for retention enemas in cases of Excoriation (the rubbing away of skin from injury or disease), and Rectal tenesmus (a feeling of incomplete defecation).
We have found that fat from camel's hump is the most delicious, it is more tastier than butter & melts in the mouth so quickly.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote : Goat fat is mixed in medicines that benefit wounds, this is done because goat fat solidifies quickly due to its thickness. For this reason, we specifically inject it whenever there is an ulcer or dysentery in the intestines, and we want to soothe the irritation caused by these conditions.
Duck fat, on the other hand, is more calming for fluids causing deep irritation within the organs. As for the fat of roosters and chickens, it lies between these two. In all cases, the fat of male animals is warmer than the fat of females, and even among males, the fat of castrated males is less calming, warming, and drying than that of an intact male. Every male that is castrated tends to resemble the female of its species. The general statement is that animal fats vary according to their nature; and the strength of each fat (to warm and moisturize the human body). However, these types may differ in intensity depending on the animal. However, bull fat is warmer and drier than ram fat. It should be noted here that males are warmer and drier than females, and castrated animals also resemble females, while young animals are softer than older ones. For example, calf fat is less warm and dry than bull fat, and females are softer and less warm than males. Goat fat is also less warm than the fat of bucks.
As for the fat of male bulls, it is somewhat distant from all of the above-mentioned fats, both in its heating and drying properties, it is suitable to be mixed with medicines for treating both solid tumors and for ripening hot tumors. It is similar to ointments containing four substances: wax, tar, fat, and resin. When making this ointment with the fat of a male bull, calf, buck or goat, it creates a medicine that opens and ripens.
As fats age, they become warmer and finer, thus more penetrating, which is generally true for all substances unless decay sets in prematurely.
Fresh goose and chicken fat, mixed with a small amount of salt, is beneficial for uterine pain. However, if it is salted or has become spicy over time, it is no longer suitable for this purpose. The method to prepare these fats involves taking some fresh fat, cleaning it from membranes, and placing it in a new earthen pot large enough to hold twice the amount of fat used. Cover the pot well and place it in hot sunlight, then continuously pour off the melted fat into another earthenware container until nothing remains. Store the purified fat in a cool place for use.
If you want to preserve fat from spoilage, wash it thoroughly, dry it in the shade on a sieve, wrap it in a linen cloth, press it tightly, hang it in the shade, and after several days, store it in a new parchment in a cool place. Fats stored in honey will also not spoil.
Experiments: Fresh chicken fat, when cooked with goose fat and light broths, helps relieve bladder irritation. Ibn Sina noted that goose fat benefits alopecia when applied topically, & chicken fat helps with roughness of the tongue.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: Male animal fat is the hottest and driest. Castrated animal fat is milder in heat. Old animal fat is lighter in effect. Duck fat is very light and hotter than chicken fat. Rooster fat is moderate in heat. Deer fat is extremely hot. Cow fat is intermediate, while old fat is lighter. Goat fat is the most binding. Ram fat is the most powerful at dissolving.
Cosmetic and External Uses: Goose fat is effective for treating cracked skin, especially on the face and lips.
Head: Goose fat is helpful for ear pain. Duck fat helps with roughness of the tongue.
Joints: Camel fat helps relieve muscle spasms.
Eyes: Fish fat is useful for eye moisture and can improve vision, especially when combined with honey.
Bowels: Goat fat soothes intestinal irritation and helps treat intestinal ulcers. Goat fat is more effective for healing intestinal ulcers, due to its quick solidification. Camel hump fat is useful for hemorrhoids. Soft fats like duck fat are effective for treating uterine pain, while aged animal fats are less useful for such treatments.
Poisons: Goat fat is effective for treating stings and insect bites.
Camel's hump fat
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