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اللَّهُمَّ ألِّفْ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِنَا، وأصْلِحْ ذَاتَ بَيْنِنَا واهْدِنَا سُبُلَ السَّلامِ، ونَجِّنَا مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إلى النُّورِ، وجَنِّبْنَا الفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا ومَا بَطَنَ، وبَارِكْ لَنَا في اسْمَاعِنَا وأبْصَارِنَا وقُلُوبِنَا وأزْوَاجِنا وذُرِّيَّاتِنَا وتُبْ عَلَيْنَا إنَّكَ أنتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ. واجْعَلْنَا شَاكِرِينَ لِنِعْمَتِكَ، مُثْنينَ بِهَا عَلَيْكَ،قَابِليهَا، وأتِمَّهَا عَلَيْنا
Enub (Grapes)
عِنَبٌ : ويُذكر عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: أنه كان يُحبُّ العنبَ والبِطيخَ. وقد ذكر الله سبحانه العِنَبَ فى ستة مواضع مِن كتابه فى جملة نعمه التى أنعم بها على عباده فى هذه الدار وفى الجَنَّة، وهو من أفضلِ الفواكه وأكثرِها منافعَ، وهو يُؤكل رطباً ويابساً، وأخضرَ ويانعاً، وهو فاكهةٌ مع الفواكه، وقوتٌ مع الأقواتِ، وأُدمٌ مع الإدام، ودواءٌ مع الأدوية، وشرابٌ مع الأشربة، وطبعُه طبعُ الحَبَّات: الحرارة والرطوبةُ، وجيدُه الكُبَّارُ المائىُّ، والأبيضُ أحمدُ من الأسود إذا تساويا فى الحلاوة، والمتروكُ بعد قطفه يومين أو ثلاثة أحمدُ من المقطوف فى يومه، فإنه مُنفِخ مُطلِق للبطن، والمعلَّقُ حتى يَضمُرَ قشره جيدٌ للغذاء، مقوٍّ للبدن، وغِذاؤه كغذاء التِّين والزَّبيب، وإذا أُلقَى عَجَمُ العِنَب كان أكثر تلييناً للطبيعة، والإكثارُ منه مصدع للرأس، ودفع مضرته بالرُّمَّان المُزِّ. ومنفعةُ العِنَب يُسَهِّل الطبع، ويُسَمِّن، ويَغذو جيدُه غِذاءً حسناً، وهو أحدُ الفواكه الثلاث التى هى ملوك الفواكه، هو والرُّطَب والتين
Ibn al-Qayyim wrote : It is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم loved grapes and watermelons. Allah has mentioned grapes in six places in the Quran as part of His blessings upon His servants in this world and in Paradise. Grapes are among the best fruits and have many benefits. They can be eaten fresh or dried, green or ripe. They serve as a fruit among fruits, a staple among staples, a condiment among condiments, a medicine among medicines, and a drink among drinks. Their nature is characterized by warmth and moisture.
The best grapes are large, juicy ones. White grapes are better than black ones when they are equal in sweetness. Grapes left hanging for two or three days after being harvested are better than those picked the same day, as they are more beneficial for digestion and can relieve the stomach. Dried grapes (raisins) are also nutritious and provide good nourishment, similar to figs.
Removing the seeds from grapes makes them easier to digest, but excessive consumption can cause headaches. Their negative effects can be mitigated by consuming pomegranate. The benefits of grapes include facilitating digestion, promoting weight gain, and providing good nourishment. Grapes are one of the three fruits regarded as the kings of fruits, along with fresh dates and figs.
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote : Grapes: Fresh grape blossoms tend to loosen the bowels and cause bloating in the stomach. However, aged grape blossoms lose much of this effect as most of their moisture has evaporated. These aged blossoms are good for the stomach, stimulate the appetite, and are suitable for sick individuals. Grapes harvested for making fresh juice are delicious, help firm up the bowels, but can harm the bladder and head. They are suitable for those who vomit blood.
Al-Razi: Grapes cause slight bloating, soften the bowels, and quickly nourish the body. They also enhance sexual desire and are beneficial for the stomach, as they do not spoil in the stomach like other fruits. Grapes are generally moderate in nature, with the sweetest varieties being warmer. Grapes that have a tangy taste do not heat the body as much, and the blood produced from grapes is healthier than that produced from dates. Eating sweet, ripe grapes in moderation does not require any special preparation. However, for those with very hot temperaments, grapes may increase thirst and cause heat in the body, which can be alleviated by drinking a cooling beverage such as Sakanjabeen or consuming sour pomegranate or foods with acidity. For individuals who suffer from bloating and abdominal distension, it is advised to avoid eating grape skins, seeds, or unripe grapes, and not to drink cold water afterward.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: White grapes are considered better than black if they are equal in other qualities such as firmness, sweetness, and ripeness. Grapes left for a couple of days after being harvested are better than those harvested on the same day. The skin of grapes is cold and dry, which makes them slow to digest. The flesh is hot and moist, while the seed is cold and dry. Fresh grapes are wind-inducing (cause bloating), while grapes that have been hung to dry and lose some of their skins become a nourishing food that strengthens the body. The nutrition in grapes is similar to that of figs but less concentrated. Ripe grapes are less harmful than unripe ones. If grapes are not well digested, they may cause discomfort as raw food. The whole grape provides more nourishment than its juice, but the juice is absorbed more quickly. Dried grapes (raisins) are beneficial for the liver and stomach, while sour grapes are not as effective.
Digestive System (أعضاء الغذاء): Grapes and raisins, when chewed well, are good for digestive issues, especially those affecting the intestines. Raisins are helpful for kidney and bladder health. Freshly picked grapes can cause bloating and gas, and may harm the bladder if consumed excessively.
Zabib (Raisins ~ Dried Grapes)
زَبيبٌ: رُوى فيه حديثان لا يَصِحَّان. أحدهما: (نِعْمَ الطعامُ الزَّبِيبُ يُطيِّبُ النَّكْهَةَ، ويُذيبُ البلغم). والثانى: (نِعْمَ الطعامُ الزَّبيبُ يُذهبُ النَصَبَ، ويَشُدُّ العَصَبَ، ويُطفىء الغضَبَ، ويُصفِّى اللَّونَ، ويُطيِّبُ النَّكْهةَ). وهذا أيضاً لا يصح فيه شىء عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. وبعد.. فأجودُ الزَّبيب ما كَبُر جسمه، وسَمِن شحمه ولحمه، ورَقَّ قشره، ونُزِع عَجَمُه، وصَغُرَ حَبُّه. وجُرْم الزبيب حارٌ رطب في الأُولى، وحَـبُّه بارد يابس، وهو كالعنب المتَّخَذ منه: الحلوُ منه حار، والحامضُ قابض بارد، والأبيضُ أشد قبضاً من غيره، وإذا أُكِلَ لحمُه، وافق قصبة الرِّئة، ونفع من السُّعال، ووجع الكُلَى، والمثَانة، ويُقَوِّى المَعِدَة، ويُلَيِّن البَطْن. والحلو اللَّحمِ أكثرُ غِذَاءً مِن العنب، وأقلُّ غِذاءً من التِّين اليابس، وله قوةٌ منضِجة هاضمة قابضة محلِّلة باعتدال، وهو بالجملة يُقَوِّى المَعِدَة والكَبِد والطِّحال، نافعٌ من وجع الحلق والصدر والرِّئة والكُلَى والمثانة، وأعدلُه أن يؤكل بغير عَجَمه. وهو يُغذِّى غِذاءً صالحاً، ولا يسدِّد كما يفعل التَّمَرُ، وإذا أُكل منه بعَجَمِه كان أكثر نفعاً للمَعِدَة والكَبِدْ والطِّحال، وإذا لُصِقَ لحمُه على الأظافير المتحركة أسرع قلعَها، والحلوُ منه وما لا عَجَمَ له نافعٌ لأصحاب الرُّطوبات والبلغم، وهو يُخصب الكَبِدَ، وينفعُها بخاصيَّته. وفيه نفعٌ للحفظ: قال الزُّهْرى: مَن أحبَّ أن يحفظ الحديث، فليأكل الزبيبَ. وكان المنصور يذكر عن جده عبد الله بن عباس: عَجَمُه داء، ولحمُه دواء.
**Raisins by Ibn al-Qayyim:** There are two Ahadith about raisins that are not authentic. One states, "Blessed are the raisins as food; they improve flavor and dissolve phlegm." The other says, " Blessed are the raisins as food; they relieves fatigue, strengthen the nerves, calm anger, purify the complexion, and enhance flavor." However, nothing authentic is attributed to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم regarding this.
The best raisins are those with large size, fatty flesh, thin skin, removed seeds, and small grains. The pulp of raisins is warm and moist, while the seed is cold and dry. They are similar to grapes: sweet raisins are warm, while sour ones are astringent and cold. White raisins are the most astringent. When consumed, their flesh supports lung function, helps with coughing, and benefits the kidneys and bladder. They strengthen the stomach and soften the intestines.
Sweet raisins are more nourishing than grapes and less so than dried figs. They have a moderate digesting, astringent, and dissolving effect. Overall, they strengthen the stomach, liver, and spleen, and are beneficial for sore throat, chest, lungs, kidneys, and bladder. It is best to eat them without seeds. They provide wholesome nourishment and do not cause obstruction like dates do. Consuming them with seeds can be more beneficial for the stomach, liver, and spleen.
When the flesh of raisins is applied to movable nails, it helps in their quick removal. Sweet raisins and those without seeds are beneficial for individuals with moist conditions and phlegm, as they nourish the liver and are beneficial in their own right. Additionally, they are helpful for memory; Al-Zuhri stated, "Whoever wishes to memorize Hadith should eat raisins." It was also noted by Al-Mansur that his grandfather Abdullah ibn Abbas said, "The seeds are a disease, while the flesh is a remedy."
Raisins by Ibn al-Baytaar: Abu Hanifa Al-Dinawari: Raisins are specifically the dried form of grapes, although the term "Zabeeb" can also be used for other dried fruits. However, dried dates are referred to as Tamr, not Zabeeb, and the term Zabeeb is also called ‘Anjad.
Raisins have a power that helps ripen and mildly dissolve, while their seeds are dry in the second degree and cool in the first degree. The essence of raisins is dense and earthy, which is evident from their taste, particularly when they have astringent qualities. Practical experience also shows their effectiveness in treating diarrhea. Raisins are to grapes as dried figs are to fresh ones. Raisins are usually sweet, though some may be astringent. Vinegar made from raisins has a mix of sweetness and astringency. Sweet raisins are warmer in temperament, while astringent raisins are cooler. Astringent raisins are beneficial for strengthening the stomach and binding the bowels.
The sweetest raisins don't relax or weaken the stomach and don't cause significant bowel movements. However, they offer moderate strength and cleansing power, making them useful for soothing minor irritations in the stomach. The best raisins are those with the most flesh and the thinnest skin. Some people remove the seeds before eating the larger, sweeter raisins, which is beneficial. The nutritional value of raisins depends on their size, with meatier ones offering more nourishment than thinner varieties. Raisins provide more nourishment than fresh grapes, but their cleansing power is less than that of dried figs.
Their mild astringency is just what is needed for liver ailments, and they help balance and improve poor bodily humors. Raisins also help in ripening unripe substances in the body and improve their consistency.
White raisins are the most astringent. The flesh of raisins is beneficial for the lungs and helps with coughs. Raisins are also good for the kidneys and bladder. Eating raisins alone helps with intestinal ulcers. If the flesh of raisins is mixed with millet flour, eggs, and honey and fried, it helps expel phlegm when consumed. When mixed with chickpea flour and cumin and applied topically, it soothes swollen testicles and relieves other skin conditions such as pustules and ulcers.
Al-Razi: Raisins are moderately warm and provide good nourishment. They are less likely to cause blockages compared to dates, although dates are more nourishing. In his book Defending Against the Harm of Foods, Al-Razi notes that raisins nourish the body and liver and help fatten them. Only people with very hot temperaments are harmed by them, and they can be balanced with Sakanjabeen or sour fruits. Raisins cause bloating, but this is easily remedied by limiting water intake after eating them. Although raisins may cause mild bloating, they pass easily from the intestines without causing painful gas.
Ibn Masawayh: Raisins eaten with their seeds are beneficial for intestinal pain, while the seedless sweet raisins are good for those with excess moisture in the body.
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