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اللَّهُمَّ ذَا الحَبْلِ الشَّديدِ والأمْرِ الرَّشيدِ أسْألُكَ الأمْنَ يَوْمَ الوَعيدِ، والجَنَّةَ يَوْمَ الخُلُودِ مَعَ المُقَرَّبينَ الشُّهُودِ الرُّكَّعِ السُّجُودِ المُوفينَ بالعُهُودِ إنَّكَ رَحِيمٌ وَدُودٌ إنَّكَ تَفْعَلُ ما تُرِيدُ
Misk (Musk) ~ Kastoori
مِسْكٌ: ثبت فى "صحيح مسلم"، عن أبى سعيد الخُدرىِّ رضى الله عنه، عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: "أطيبُ الطِّيبِ المِسْكُ".وفى "الصحيحين" عن عائشة رضى الله عنها: "كنتُ أُطيِّبُ النبىَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل أن يَحْرِمَ ويومَ النَّحْرِ قبل أن يطوفَ بالبيت بطيبٍ فيه مِسْكٌ".المِسك: مَلِكُ أنواعِ الطيب، وأشرُفهَا وأطيُبَها، وهو الذى تُضرب به الأمثال، ويُشَبَّه به غيرُه، ولا يُشبَّه بغيره، وهو كُثبان الجنَّة، وهو حارٌ يابس فى الثانية، يَسُرُّ النفس ويُقَوِّيها، ويُقَوِّى الأعضاء الباطنة جميعها شُرباً وشمّاً، والظاهرةَ إذا وُضِعَ عليها. نافع للمشايخ، والمبرودين، لا سِيَّما زمن الشتاء، جيد للغَشْى والخفقانِ، وضعف القوة بإنعاشه للحرارة الغريزية، ويجلو بياضَ العين، ويُنشِّف رطوبتها، ويَفُشُّ الرياح منها ومن جميع الأعضاء، ويُبطل عملَ السموم، وينفعُ مِن نَهْش الأفاعى، ومنافِعُه كثيرة جداً، وهو أقوى المفرِّحات
Musk by Ibn al-Qayyim: It is recorded in Sahih Muslim from Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri Radi Allaho Anh that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "The best of perfumes is musk."
In Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, Aishah Radi Allaho Anha narrated: "I perfumed the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم before he entered the state of Ehraam and on the Day of sacrifice (on Hajj) before he performed the Tawaf the Ka'bah, with perfume containing musk."
Musk is regarded as the king of perfumes, the finest and most fragrant of all scents. It is often used as a standard of comparison for other fragrances, as it surpasses all others and is not comparable to anything else. Musk is described as the mounds of Paradise. It is warm and dry in the second degree, uplifting and strengthening the soul. It fortifies all internal organs when consumed or inhaled and strengthens external organs when applied. Musk is particularly beneficial for the elderly and those sensitive to cold, especially in winter. It is effective in treating fainting, palpitations, and weakness by revitalizing innate heat. It clears whiteness from the eyes, dries excess moisture, dispels wind from the eyes and all organs, neutralizes poisons, and is effective against snakebites. Musk has numerous benefits and is one of the most potent mood enhancers (Mufarrihaat~مفرحات).
Musk by Ibn al-Baytaar: According to Al-Masudi in Muruj Al-Dhahab, musk originates from musk deer found in Tibet, where they graze on aromatic plants and spices. This diet distinguishes Tibetan deer from Chinese, as the latter feeds only on grass. Additionally, Tibetan musk is often unaltered, as locals do not tamper with its natural state, while Chinese musk may be adulterated with blood and other substances. Chinese musk can lose its fragrance due to long sea journeys, exposure to moisture, and climate changes. However, when properly preserved in glass containers and sealed tightly, it can rival the quality of Tibetan musk. The best musk is harvested from deer after the musk gland matures fully. The deer naturally scratches the gland against rocks, releasing its contents, which dry under the sun and air, producing the most potent musk. Musk is warm in the second degree and dry in the third. It has numerous benefits for the body, uplifting the spirit, strengthening the heart, and providing relief for conditions related to cold and dampness.
Strength and Vitality: Strengthens internal and external organs when consumed, inhaled, or applied. Revitalizes innate heat, aiding the elderly and those suffering from cold conditions, especially in winter. Enhances physical and mental energy, helping individuals with black bile imbalance and improving courage.
Cold-related Ailments: Treats cold-induced headaches, fainting, and weakness. Helps clear blockages, alleviates wind in the eyes and body, and aids digestion. Benefits the brain when mixed with saffron and applied through the nose.
Sexual Health: Aids sexual potency by stimulating desire and increasing performance. When mixed with specific oils, it enhances arousal and speeds up the process of ejaculation.
Digestive System: Improves intestinal health by dispelling thick gases and soothing abdominal pain.
Eye and Skin: Used in remedies for eye health, clearing white spots and reducing moisture. Applied to wounds and hemorrhoids for healing and pain relief.
Mental Health: Improves mood, relieves anxiety, and enhances focus.
Other Benefits: Acts as a natural antidote for toxins and snakebites. Helps stop excessive bleeding when mixed with appropriate remedies. Musk is mixed with saffron to treat cold-related brain conditions. Musk remains one of the most valued and versatile natural remedies, celebrated for its unmatched aroma and extensive health benefits.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: Musk is a secretion from a gland located near the navel of an animal similar to a deer, or it can also come from a male deer itself. The substance comes in two white, curved horns that resemble antlers. The best musk comes from Tibet, followed by Chinese, then Jergiri, and then Indian marine musk. Musk from animals that graze on particular grasses (such as those fed on Spikenard~Sumbul) is preferred. The best quality, in terms of color and scent, is the yellow, pungent type. Musk is considered hot and dry in nature, especially in the second degree, with its dryness sometimes being emphasized. Musk is light and invigorating. It is commonly used in cooking for its fragrant aroma.
Head Health: When used in a nasal inhalation (with saffron and a small amount of camphor), musk is beneficial for cold headaches. Musk is also effective alone, as it has a stimulating and powerful effect on the brain.
Eye Health: Musk strengthens the eyes, dries excessive moisture, and helps to clarify the delicate white part of the eye.
Heart and Chest Health: Musk has a positive effect on the heart, uplifting and comforting it. It is also useful for palpitations and anxiety.
Poisons: Musk is considered an antidote to poisons, especially to the venom of the Beesh (Aconite~a type of poisonous plant).
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