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اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي اسْأَلْكَ رَحْمَةً مِن عِندِكَ تَهْدِي بِهَا قَلْبِي، وتَجْمَعُ بِهَا امْرِي، وتَلُمُّ بِهَا شَعْثِي، وتُصْلِحُ بِهَا دِيِنِي، وتَقْضِي بها دَيِنِي، وتَحْفَظُ بِهَا غَائِبي، وتَرْفَعُ بِهَا شَاهِدي، وتُبيِّضُ بِهَا وَجْهِي، وتُزَكِّي بِهَا عَمَلِي، وتُلْهِمُنِي بِهَا رُشْدِي، وتَرُدُّ بِهَا أُلَفَتِي، وتَعْصِمُنِي بِهَا مِن كُلَّ سُوءٍ
Lubaan (Frankincense), which is the Kundur
لُبَانٌ:هو الكُنْدُرُ: قد ورد فيه عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: (بَخِّروا بُيُوتَكُم باللُّبان والصَّعْتَرِ)، ولا يصحُّ عنه، ولكن يُروى عن علىٍّ أنه قال لرجل شكا إليه النسيانَ: عليك باللُّبان، فإنه يُشَجِّع القلبَ، ويَذْهَبُ بالنِّسيان. ويُذكر عن ابن عباس رضى الله عنهما أنَّ شُربه مع السُّكَّر على الريق جيدٌ للبَوْل والنِّسيان. ويُذكر عن أنس رضى الله عنه أنه شكا إليه رجلٌ النسيانَ، فقال: عليك بالكُنْدُر وانقَعْهُ مِن اللَّيل، فإذا أصبحتَ، فخُذْ منه شربةً على الرِّيق، فإنه جَيِّدٌ للنِّسيان
Lubaan (Frankincense) by Ibn al-Qayyim: Lubaan refers to Kundur (Frankincense). It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Fumigate your homes with Lubaan and Sa'tar (Thyme)," but this narration is not authentic. However, it is reported from Ali Radi Allaho Anh that he advised a man who complained of forgetfulness: "Use Lubaan, for it stimulates the heart and helps with forgetfulness." It is also mentioned by Ibn Abbas Radi Allaho Anh that drinking Lubaan mixed with sugar on an empty stomach is good for the bladder and for forgetfulness.
It is also reported from Anas Radi Allaho Anh that a man complained to him about forgetfulness. He advised: "Use Kundur (Lubaan), soak it overnight, and then drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. It is beneficial for forgetfulness."
The reason behind this is clear: Forgetfulness caused by a cold, moist temperament that overwhelms the brain prevents it from retaining information. In such cases, Lubaan is beneficial. However, if forgetfulness is caused by some other temporary factor, it can be quickly alleviated by moisturizing remedies.
The difference between the two is that dryness is often accompanied by insomnia and the ability to remember past events, but not current ones. Conversely, moisture is associated with the opposite symptoms.
There are also certain factors that may cause forgetfulness, such as cupping on the back of the neck, excessive consumption of moist Kuzbura (coriander), sour apples, worry and distress, gazing into stagnant water, urinating in it, looking at a crucified person, reading the inscriptions on tombstones, walking between two camels tied together, throwing lice into a pond, eating rat’s urine, and many others, which are commonly known through experience.
Lubaan (Frankincense) is a substance that is warming in the second degree and drying in the first. It has a mild astringent effect and is known for its numerous benefits and few side effects. It helps with stopping bleeding and preventing hemorrhaging. It relieves stomach pain and diarrhea. It aids in digestion and expels gas. It heals eye ulcers and promotes the growth of flesh in various wounds. It strengthens a weak stomach, warms it, and dries up phlegm. It dries moisture in the chest and clears the vision. It prevents the spread of malignant sores and ulcers. When chewed alone or with Persian Thyme, it helps to expel out the phlegm and aids with speech difficulties. It enhances and stimulates the intellect and mental clarity. If it is used in incense with water, it is effective against epidemics and helps purify the air.
Kundur (Frankincense) by Ibn al-Baytaar: Ibn Samhoun stated that Kundur is the Persian term for Lubaan (frankincense) in Arabic. Al-Asma'i mentioned that there are three things that are only found in Yemen: al-Wars, Lubaan, and al-‘Asab (the cold weather of Yemen). Abu Hanifah reported from an Arab from Oman that Lubaan is a thorny tree that doesn’t grow taller than two arms’ length and only grows in the mountains, not the plains. It has leaves similar to myrtle and fruits with a bitter taste. The resin that is chewed is called Kundur, and it is found in areas that are dug up with axes, with Lubaan appearing in the traces of these axes.
Kundur is warming in the third degree and drying in the first. It has a mild astringent effect, but the white Kundur does not show much of this astringency. It clears the vision, heals deep wounds, seals fresh wounds with their blood, stops bleeding from any source, and alleviates nosebleeds. It also prevents malignant sores from spreading. If mixed with milk and used as a wick, it helps to prevent the spread of sores. If mixed with duck fat, it helps heal burns from fire and cracks caused by cold. If mixed with natron (soda) and used to wash the head, it helps heal wet sores. If mixed with honey, it heals the burns. If drunk, it helps with coughing up blood, and when drunk in small amounts, it is invigorating and enhances mental clarity.
Abu Jureij said that Kundur burns off phlegm and dries up moisture in the chest. It strengthens the weak stomach, warms it, and helps the liver and intestines when they become cold. If soaked in water and one gram is drunk every day, it benefits those with phlegm, enhances memory, clears the mind, and reduces forgetfulness. However, excessive use may cause headaches.
Farasi noted that Kundur aids in digestion and expels gas, and it is good for improving the body’s tissues. Hakim ibn Haneen mentioned that Kundur helps clear blood congestion in the eye when applied as a Kohl (eyeliner). Al-Razi stated that Kundur helps with nausea and vomiting, and is beneficial for heart palpitations.
Ishaq ibn Imran: Chewing Kundur with Persian Sa'tar (Thyme/oregano) or vinegar-soaked raisins helps to bring up phlegm and is beneficial for a stuck tongue.
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) in his Book of Heart Medicines: Kundur is a tonic for both the spirit in the heart and the mind, making it effective for lethargy and forgetfulness.
Others: Kundur is useful for treating coughs. Chewing it strengthens the teeth and gums. However, excessive use may lead to leprosy, vitiligo, and especially black leukoderma. Its smoke, when burned with mushrooms, stimulates hair growth in cases of alopecia (hair loss). As for Kundur’s outer skin, the best quality is thick, sticky, fragrant, smooth, and fresh. Thin, brittle skins will not burn properly. Kundur is strongly astringent, which is why it is used in medicine for drying and constricting. It is thicker than the inner resin and doesn’t have the sharpness or pungency. Its qualities make it especially useful in treating conditions like coughing, loose stomachs, and intestinal ulcers. It is commonly mixed in external dressings but is also used in internal medicines.
Damashqi: Kundur helps with bleeding, stomach pain, diarrhea, and intestinal disorders. Kundur skin is highly astringent and dry. It is useful for stopping bleeding and healing intestinal wounds. When applied as an ointment, it can bind the stomach and dry up wounds. The powdered form of Kundur has a slight astringent effect, which makes it more useful than whole Kundur for many ailments. Whole Kundur has a property that opens up the body, especially when it is more fatty and reddish in color, which gives it a stronger drying effect than the white variety.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: Kunder has a mild cooling effect when dried. Its outer skin is more cooling, while the inner part of the kender has a stronger, warming effect. It has slight drying and astringent properties, especially in its outer skin, and is used for ripening and maturing. It is not significantly harsh on the skin but has a constricting effect on the blood, which is useful in stopping bleeding. Excessive use can overheat the blood. Its smoke is a potent drying and astringent agent.
Cosmetic Uses: It can be mixed with honey and applied to dahis (a type of swelling or abscess) to alleviate the condition. Its outer skin is effective for treating the marks of ulcers. When combined with vinegar and oil, it can be used as a poultice for pain known as Murkab, which appears as warts accompanied by a sensation similar to ants crawling on the skin.
Tumors and Pimples: It is effective in treating hot tumors in the breast when mixed with Qimolia clay (طين قيموليا~a type of mud which was famous in Egypt during the times of Ibn-e-Sina) and rose oil. It is also used in poultices for internal organ tumors.
Wounds and Ulcers: It is highly healing, especially for soft wounds. It prevents the spread of malignant infections. It is applied to cuts or wounds with duck fat, as well as on cracked skin due to cold, and is good for burns.
Head and Brain: It benefits the mind and can be used to enhance mental clarity. Some people recommend consuming its decoction regularly on an empty stomach, but excessive use can cause headaches. It is also used as a head wash, sometimes mixed with Natron (a type of salt), to treat scabies and dry out wounds. It can be used as ear drops for earaches and mixed with pitch or oil and milk to treat ear injuries. It helps stop bleeding from the ear and is useful in treating ear trauma.
Eyes: It heals eye ulcers and fills them. It ripens chronic eye swelling and its smoke can treat hot swelling and stop excessive eye discharge. It also helps heal bad ulcers in the eye and purifies the cornea, especially the area beneath it. It is highly effective for treating chronic red pterygium (fleshy overgrowth of the conjunctiva) and can help treat cancer in the eye.
Respiratory and Chest Organs: When mixed with Qimolia and rose oil, it treats hot tumors in the breast, particularly in postpartum women. It is also included in treatments for the lungs.
Digestive System: It helps to stop vomiting and, when used in its outer skin form, strengthens and tightens the stomach. It is a strong heat agent for the stomach and is particularly helpful in digestion. The outer skin is especially beneficial for weak or relaxed stomachs.
Excretory System: It helps stop uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea. It also prevents the spread of malignant infections in the anal area when used as a wick.
Fever: It is helpful in treating phlegm-related fevers.
Poisons: Drinking large amounts of it can be fatal, as can mixing it with vinegar.
Although LUBAAN is sold at our markets, but it remains ignored by most of the Muslims, it is a powerful medicine which was also praised by our 4th Caliph, it is the best for memory loss, it relaxes the entire respiratory system, your kidneys will love it as well, and your joint pains will go Insha'Allah with LUBAAN.
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