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- Bitter Gourd in Olive Oil
- Black eyed peas with Beetroot
- Cauliflower in Olive Oil
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- Sweet Potato Cutlets
- Sweet Potatoes in Olive Oil
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- Camel's meat Pulao with Red Rice
- Cooking with Olive Oil
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اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أسْتَجيرُكَ مِن جَميع كُلِّ شيءٍ خَلَقْتَ واحْتَرِسُ بكَ مِنهُنَّ، وأُقَدِّمُ بَيْن يديَّ بِسْمِ اللهِ ألَرّحَْمَـٰنِ ألرّحِيمِ قل هو الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا احد مِن أمَامي ومِن خَلِْفِي وعَن يَمِيني وعَن شِمَالي ومن فَوْقِي ومِن تَحْتِي، خَلَقْتَ رَبَّنَا فسَوَّيتَ وقَدَّرْتَ رَبَّنَا فقَضَيْتَ وعلَى عَرْشِكَ اسْتَوَيْتَ وأمَتَّ فأحْيَيْتَ وأطعَمْتَ فأشْبَعْتَ وأسقَيْتَ فأروَيْتَ وحَمَلْتَ في بَرِّكَ وبَحْرِك على فُلْكِكَ وعَلى دَوَابِّكَ وعَلى أنعَامِكَ فاجْعَلْ لي عِندَكَ وليجَةٌ واجْعَلْ لي عِندَكَ زُلفَى وحُسْنَ مِآبٍ واجْعَلْنِي مِمََّّنْ يَخافُ مَقَامَك ووَعيدَك ويَرْجُو لقاءَكَ واجْعَلْنِي مِمَّن يَتُوبُ إليْكَ تَوبَةً نَصُوحاً وأسْألُكَ عَملاً مُتقَبَّلاً وعِلْماً نَجِيحاً وسَعياً مَشْكوراً وتِجَارَةً لَّن تَبُورَ
Papaya Ice Cream
Papaya is a miracle of my Allah's creations, the fruit grown on the stem, full of Digestive Enzyme (Papain), beautiful color for the flesh & green Papaya is added to curries as a meat tenderizer. Be careful for Papain enzyme tablets / capsules, we know that most of the extracts are made in Alcoholic medium. A milk-less / cream-less Papaya Ice cream will of course need Talh (Bananas) as an emulsifier, plus some mangoes and because Papaya is low in sugar, you may add some Jaggery (Gur), fortified by Date Stones powder, Citron Zest, Raisins and AnarDana. Fruits should be totally frozen, & then start with a low speed of your food processor, stop the machine, mix well with a spoon and switch on again at a high speed, the ice cream will homogenize with a dominant Papaya color. Top with some jaggery chunks & freeze again for 2 hours before serving.
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