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رَبِّ أعْطِ نَفْسي تَقْواها وزكِّها أنتَ خَيْرُ مَن زَكَّاها أنتَ وليُّهَا ومَوْلاها
Khall (Vinegar)
خَلٌ: روى مسلم فى "صحيحه": عن جابر بن عبد الله رضى الله عنهما، أنَّ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سأل أهلَه الإدَامَ، فقالوا: ما عندنَا إلا خَلٌ، فدعا به، وجعل يأكُلُ ويقول: "نِعْمَ الإدَامُ الخَلُّ، نِعْمَ الإدَامُ الخَلُّ". وفى "سنن ابن ماجه" عن أُمِّ سعد رضى الله عنها عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: "نِعْمَ الإدَامُ الخَلُّ، اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ فى الخَلِّ، فإنه كان إدامَ الأنبياء قبلى، ولَمْ يَفْتَقِر بيتٌ فيه الخَلُّ". الخَل: مركَّب من الحرارة، والبرودة أغلبُ عليه، وهو يابس فى الثالثة، قوىُّ التجفيف، يمنع من انصباب المواد، ويُلطِّف الطبيعة، وخَلُّ ينفع المعدة الملتهبة، ويَقْمَعُ الصَّفْرَاء، ويدفع ضَرَر الأدوية القتَّالة، ويُحَلِّل اللَّبنَ والدم إذا جَمَدا فى الجوف، وينفع الطِّحَالَ، ويدبغ المَعِدة، ويَعقِلُ البطن، ويقطعُ العطش، ويمنع الورمَ حيث يُريد أن يحدث، ويُعين على الهضم، ويُضاد البلغم، ويُلطِّف الأغذية الغليظة، ويُرِقُّ الدم. وإذا شُرِب بالملح، نفع من أكل الفُطُر القتَّال، وإذا احتُسى، قطع العلق المتعلق بأصل الحنَكِ، وإذ تُمضمض به مُسَخَّناً، نفع من وجع الأسنان، وقوَّى اللِّثَة. وهو نافع للدَّاحِس، إذا طُلِىَ به، والنملةِ والأورام الحارة، وحرق النار، وهو مُشَهٍّ للأكل، مُطيِّب للمَعِدة، صَالح للشباب، وفى الصيف لسكان البلاد الحارة
Ibn Al Qayyim wrote : Muslim narrated in his Sahih that Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم asked his family about a curry (if it was cooked & available at the house). They replied, "We have nothing but vinegar." He called for it and began to eat, saying, "What an excellent condiment (curry) vinegar is! What an excellent curry vinegar is!"
In Sunan Ibn Majah, Umm Sa'ad (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "What an excellent curry vinegar is! O Allah, bless vinegar, for it was the food (curry) of the prophets before me, and no household that has vinegar will ever be impoverished."
Vinegar is composed of both hot and cold elements, but it is predominantly cold and classified as dry in the third degree. It has strong drying properties, prevents the accumulation of substances in the body, and soothes the body's constitution. Vinegar is beneficial for an inflamed stomach and helps to quell yellow bile. It counteracts the harmful effects of poisonous medications, and it decomposes milk and the blood when coagulated and helps the spleen, strengthens the stomach, alleviates thirst, and prevents swelling where it may occur. Vinegar aids in digestion, counters phlegm, softens coarse foods, and thins the blood. When consumed with salt, it is beneficial against poisonous mushrooms. If ingested, it can help remove phlegm that is lodged at the back of the throat. Gargling with warm vinegar can relieve toothache and strengthen the gums.
It is also useful for treating FELON**Dahis ~ داحس**, (a whitlow or felon refers to an infection at the tip of the finger, it is characterized as an "intensely painful abscess on the palm side of the fingertip); if applied topically, vinegar is also good for insect bites, hot swellings, and burns. Vinegar enhances the appetite, increases the digestibility of the stomach, and is especially beneficial for young people and those living in hot climates during the summer.
Please read our for Halal Vinegar Technology
Ibn al-Baytaar wrote : Vinegar is composed of two elements: a warm and a cold substance, with the cold element being more dominant. Vinegar has a powerful drying effect, reaching the third degree of drying if it is refined. Vinegar cools and tightens the body. It is beneficial for the stomach, stimulates appetite, and stops bleeding from any organ when consumed. It can also be used in baths or applied to wounds to prevent swelling. Vinegar can return a displaced uterus or navel to its proper place, strengthens loose gums, treats harmful ulcers, and helps with various skin conditions like scabies and hemorrhoids. When mixed with sulfur, it can alleviate gout, and if applied with honey, it can reduce bruising. Vinegar vapor helps with water retention (edema), hearing issues, and ear infections. It kills worms in the ear and can treat insect bites, whether the venom is cooling or warming to the body. It can also counteract the effects of poisonous drugs, especially opium, and can help expel harmful substances from the body.
Vinegar dissolves thick fluids, dries the stomach, and quenches thirst. Vinegar is cold and can extinguish heat & thirst faster than anything else. However, overuse can lead to lung problems, bloating, and the generation of winds (flatulence). Vinegar benefits those with excessive bile (choleric conditions) as it helps neutralize bile and transform it into phlegm. However, it harms melancholic individuals and causes pain in the uterus. Vinegar is harmful to the nerves, which are cold and bloodless, as it penetrates deeply into the tissues and harms them. It particularly affects nervous organs like the uterus.
Isa ibn Maseh: Vinegar is good for inflamed stomach and benefits the spleen by softening thick foods.
Yohanna ibn Masawaih: Vinegar helps tan the stomach and prevents hot substances from spreading to the organs. It is effective against redness caused by yellow bile and tightens the uvula if gargled.
Vinegar and the Body: For those who want to nourish their bodies, improve their complexion, or enhance sexual performance, vinegar may cause harm when combined with sweets. However, for individuals looking to lose weight or refine their diet, especially those who are naturally warm, vinegar can be beneficial. For those who are cold-natured, it is recommended to add hot spices like caraway, garlic, onion, and similar ingredients to the vinegar while cooking to increase its warmth.
Al-Mansuri: Vinegar slims the body, reduces strength, increases melancholia (black bile), and improves the taste of food when used in cooking.
Al-Fakhir: Vinegar has digestive properties, minor heating effects, and can penetrate tissues deeply, making it beneficial in treating hot and cold toothaches. In hot conditions, it cools; in cold conditions, it works by thinning thick fluids, particularly phlegm. Vinegar's ability to penetrate and bring medications deep into tissues is unique. It should be used alone or mixed with water in hot conditions, and with honey in cold conditions.
The best vinegar is from grapes if it has a pleasant taste. When consumed warm after a lung hemorrhage, it can stop the bleeding. If mixed with salt and held in the mouth, it stops bleeding from difficult-to-extract teeth. Added to ointments for scabies, itching, vitiligo, and leprosy, it enhances their effects
Al-Sharif: When figs are cooked in vinegar and applied to body parts suffering from burning or roughness, it soothes and heals. Additionally, vinegar can be combined with squill (a plant) for treating mouth sores caused by internal ailments.
Al-Basri on Oxymel (Sakanjabeen):
This vinegar-honey syrup has three benefits: it opens blockages, quenches thirst, and cleanses. When mixed with honey, vinegar suits cold-tempered individuals, alleviates joint pain, hip pain, and conditions like stroke, choking, and coughing. Sakanjabeen helps warm-tempered individuals, especially during hot summers, and benefits those with excessive yellow bile. The sweet variant helps phlegmatic individuals and those with cold constitutions, while the sour variant benefits warm-tempered individuals. The moderate type is useful for those with balanced constitutions and opens blockages in the liver and spleen. Sakanjabeen benefits all fevers, depending on the ingredients mixed in. Sometimes, substances that enhance cooling are added; other times, heating agents are included. When radish is soaked in Sakanjabeen, it induces vomiting and is useful for treating phlegmatic fevers when vomiting is required.
Ibn-e-Sina wrote: Vinegar is composed of both hot and cold elements, with the cold being more predominant. It is generally cold and moist, though it becomes hotter when sharp, and if not, it remains cold and moist. Cooking it reduces its coldness. It is highly drying, prevents the inward flow of substances, soothes, and stops bleeding. It can be used to stop external bleeding and swelling, aiding digestion while counteracting phlegm. It is beneficial for those with a yellow bile temperament, but harmful to those with a black bile temperament.
Cosmetics: When mixed with honey and applied to blood stains, it is effective, but excessive use may cause yellowing of the skin.
Lumps and Pustules: It prevents the formation of lumps, stops the spread of gangrene, and heals redness when taken internally or applied externally. It also prevents swelling and is effective for treating conditions like hangnails, stings, and burns when applied topically.
Wounds and Ulcers: When applied to wounds with a cloth soaked in vinegar, it prevents them from becoming inflamed. It is also effective for treating ulcers, scabies, and burns, especially those caused by fire.
Joints: It is harmful to nerves but useful for gout when mixed with sulfur.
Head: When mixed with olive oil and rose oil, & used as a rub or applied to wool cloth, it is helpful for hot headaches. It strengthens the gums and, when used in mouthwash, aids with bleeding gums and tooth movement, especially when combined with alum. Vaporized vinegar also helps with hearing loss, clears blocked sinuses, and alleviates intestinal parasites.
Eyes: It is applied with honey to dark circles under the eyes, but excessive use may weaken vision.
Chest: It helps soothe the uvula, prevents mucus from dripping into the throat, and can treat a dropped uvula. It is useful for chronic cough, asthma, and helps with indigestion.
Digestive System: It is beneficial for hot, moist stomachs and aids in digestion, increasing appetite and assisting with stomach issues. Vinegar steam can alleviate fluid retention (dropsy).
Reproductive System: It cools the uterus and when used with salt, can treat rectal ulcers and intestinal issues.
Toxins: It can be applied to bites and stings, is useful against poison from opium and hemlock, and is effective when taken warm for poisoning from deadly substances. ("الأدوية القتالة" refers to poisonous or deadly substances, such as toxic plants, venom, or other harmful substances. These could be substances that, when ingested or applied improperly, cause serious harm or death. In the context you provided, it suggests that warm vinegar can be used as an antidote or to counteract the effects of these toxic substances).

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